Peace and denuclearisation is possible, also in North Korea

February 24, 2019

With the upcoming US- North Korea summit on nukes, many wonder what can be done to get rid of nuclear weapons, also in North Korea. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and PAX made a plan.

If Trump and Kim really want the Hanoi summit to do more than just capture the world’s attention, they must embark on a long-term plan to real and lasting peace. Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula is possible, and can be achieved through following five steps:

  1. Recognize the risk of nuclear use and the unacceptable humanitarian consequences of such use;
  2. Reject nuclear weapons by joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW);
  3. Remove North Korea’s nuclear weapons through a verifiable and irreversible plan;
  4. Ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty;
  5. Rejoin the Non-Proliferation Treaty and world community.

Also read: Peace talks Trump and Kim still have value

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